Identitee is a key player in the corporate and promotional apparel industry here in Singapore. It is our desire to dress every distinguish brand with pride and passion. Our vision is to be the preferred manufacturer of choice for all global as well as promising local brands. Industry recognition for providing ‘ahead-of-market’ designs and delivering retail grade quality workmanship is also what we constantly strive for to maintain market leadership.
When a shirt is not just a shirt, it is an Identitee.

We believe that a shirt is one of the most important aspect of the total corporate and marketing mix. It is after all, the only collateral that can be both mobile as well as highly visible.

It is therefore not What you wear but How you carry your brand and carry it in a well design apparel that matters to us……..and to you.
To provide your brand the distinctive design to reflect your corporate identity, enhance marketplace visibility and promote bonding as a united entity. We focus in using only premium fabric to deliver apparels that are both comfortable and durable. With more than 15 years’ experience, we understand enough to know how a shirt should be made to bring out the essence of a great brand and design.